Dalian Jinshitan Traditional Chinese Medicine Rehabilitation Hospital, led by experts who have been engaged in clinical work for many years, uses advanced diagnosis and treatment equipment to treat common diseases, frequently-occurring diseases and various difficult and complicated diseases by combining traditional Chinese and western medicine. Under: I. Department of Internal Medicine of Traditional Chinese Medicine
Disease prevention tips in August
In August, the human body consumes a lot. The high temperature, high heat and rain in nature make all kinds of goods easy to mildew, and mosquitoes breed, which is very easy to infect diseases.
Twenty-four Solar Terms Regimen: Beginning of Autumn Regimen
The beginning of autumn means the beginning of the cool season. However, in the dog days, the weather is still very hot, and heatstroke prevention is still necessary. However, the beginning of autumn is always a sign of entering autumn. After the beginning of autumn, the natural Yang Qi gradually decreases and the Yin Qi gradually grows, which is also a transitional period when the Yin and Yang metabolism of the human body appears to disappear and grow. Therefore, the principle of health preservation in autumn is to maintain the income of people who drink, eat, live, and exercise. 8月7日21时30分34秒,立秋。 立秋意味着凉爽季节的开始。但正直三伏天中,天气仍旧十分炎热,防暑降温还是十分必要的。 不过,立秋总归是进入秋季的标志,立秋后,自然界阳气渐收,阴气渐长,也是人体阴阳代谢出现阳消阴长的过渡时期。因此秋季养生,凡饮食起居、精神情志、运动锻炼、皆以养收为原则。 1、起居调养 秋季应“早卧早起,与鸡具兴”。早卧以顺应阳气之收敛,早起为使肺气得以舒展,且防收敛之太过。 立秋乃初秋之时,暑热未尽,虽有凉风时至,但天气变化无常,即使同一地区也会出现“一天有四季,十里不同天”的情形,因而着衣不宜太多,否则会影响机体对气候转冷的适应能力,易受凉感冒。 "春困秋乏夏打盹",立秋后不仅仅是困,还让人觉得浑身乏力提不起劲。大家应避免秋乏的现象出现,保持充足的睡眠,适当进行体育锻炼,锻炼的时候要循序渐进。 2、精神调养 秋季人们既有收获的喜悦,也难免触景生情,产生"夕阳无限好,只是近黄昏"的失落感。 因此,在进行精神调养时,要做到内心宁静,神志安宁,心情舒畅,切忌悲忧伤感,即使遇到伤感的事,也应主动予以排解,以避肃杀之气,同时还应收敛神气,以适应秋天容平之气。 3、饮食调养 《素问·脏气法时论》说:“肺主秋……肺收敛,急食酸以收之,用酸补之,辛泻之。”酸味收敛肺气,辛味发散泻肺,秋天宜收不宜散,所以要尽量少吃葱、姜等辛味之品,适当多食酸味果蔬。 秋季燥气当令,易伤津液,饮食应以滋阴润肺为宜。可适当食用芝麻、糯米、粳米、蜂蜜、枇杷、菠萝、乳品等柔润食物,以益胃养肺生津。 注意补充维生素和微量元素,多吃一些清淡食物。 4、运动调养 秋季是运动锻炼的大好时机,每人可视情况选择,如太极拳、瑜伽、游泳、拉筋、快走、慢跑、爬楼梯、滑旱冰、跳绳、踢毽子、打羽毛球等。 大连金石滩医院地址:大连金石滩国家旅游度假区青石路99号 咨询电话:87903438
What is a coronavirus? What are the clinical manifestations of patients with this infection? What are close contacts? One picture understanding ↓↓ Spread knowledge!
On December 6, 2019, Dalian Jinshitan Hospital organized the on-site inspection of the environmental protection acceptance for the completion of the PET/CT application project of Dalian Jinshitan Hospital in our hospital. The on-site inspection team and the participants listened to the report of Dalian Jinshitan Hospital on the construction, environmental protection implementation and trial operation of the project, and conducted on-site inspection on the PET/CT application project of Dalian Jinshitan Hospital according to the national requirements. Through careful approval and discussion, the acceptance site inspection opinions have been formed. According to the rectification requirements of the inspection opinions, our institute has completed the material supplement, system improvement and other rectification work, which is hereby publicized.
[Good news] NeuMR1.5T magnetic resonance newly introduced by our hospital
The 1.5T magnetic resonance imaging system newly introduced by our hospital is the latest 1.5T magnetic resonance imaging equipment in the industry at present. This equipment adopts the whole-process humanized design to make the magnetic resonance examination more comfortable and convenient, and comprehensively improve the patient's examination comfort.